Unlock secrets in deep oceans, track rapidly moving storms, operate state-of-the-art environmental satellites, chart the Nation's waterways, formulate models to forecast climate trends, protect and preserve our living marine resources...it's all in a day's work at the NOAA! Join a dedicated workforce committed to a vital mission: safeguarding the public, protecting natural resources, strengthening the economy. A career that makes a world of difference!
Having a career as a Wage Marine employee in NOAA is to be an integral part of understanding the condition of the ocean and atmosphere. NOAA Wage Marine personnel add a seaman's know-how to NOAA's scientific research by directly participating in the operation and handling of scientific gear in the tumultuous ocean environment. NOAA's fleet of 19 research ships operate world-wide in direct support of NOAA's diverse environmental information programs, environmental stewardship services and applied scientific research. The highly-skilled and technical workforce provides NOAA the ability to achieve success in the conduct of nautical charting, bathymetric mapping, fisheries research, ecosystem assessments, marine environment baseline assessments, coastal-ocean circulation, and oceanic and atmospheric research. Enjoy an exciting career while gaining experience and training to advance your mariner or personal credentials. This vacancy is specific to fill the First Assistant Engineer (D) aboard the NOAA Ship Bell M. Shimada homeported in Newport, OR. Your duty location will be determined by your home of record. Salary will be determined by duty location and vessel classification. Note: A one-year trial period may be required.