Unlock secrets in deep oceans, track rapidly moving storms, operate state-of-the-art environmental satellites, chart the Nation's waterways, formulate models to forecast climate trends, protect and preserve our living marine resources...it's all in a day's work at NOAA! Join a dedicated workforce committed to a vital mission: safeguarding the public, protecting natural resources, strengthening the economy. A career that makes a world of difference!
An extraordinary opportunity is available at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's Office of the General Counsel (NOAA GC). NOAA GC employs
approximately 120 attorneys at headquarters in the Washington, DC area and at six
regional sections. NOAA GC provides legal advice to the Department of Commerce
Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere (NOAA Administrator) and NOAA program
offices on a wide variety of issues including U.S. and International fisheries, marine
mammals, endangered or threatened marine species, preservation of coastal areas,
marine sanctuaries, and licensing of commercial satellites. NOAA is a premiere
environmental agency, which is located within the Department of Commerce, and
employs over 12,000 individuals nationwide. The agency's mission is to conserve and
manage coastal and marine resources and to understand and predict changes in the
Earth's environment to meet the Nation's economic, social and environmental needs.
For more information see www.noaa.gov. The National Marine Fisheries Service
(NOAA Fisheries) is one of the agency's largest program offices and is responsible
for implementing Federal laws to manage and conserve marine resources. NOAA
Fisheries Northeast Regional Office works with the Northeast Fisheries Center and
the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils (NEFMC and MAFMC,
respectively) in developing proposals for conserving and managing marine resources
off the coast of the states from Maine through North Carolina. The attorney selected
for this position would lead the NOAA GC Northeast Section and would provide legal
analysis and advice to NOAA Fisheries in its development of regulations to implement
programs recommended by the NEFMC and MAFMC and approved by the Secretary of
Commerce. The attorney also would work closely with the U.S. Department of Justice
in conducting research and developing litigation strategies. For more information on
the NOAA GC Northeast Section, see www. gc.noaa.gov.