Located a short drive from the excitement of Beale Street, Millington enjoys a more relaxed atmosphere. A welcoming community of 10,000 with great neighborhoods and parks, Millington offers an exceptional quality of life at a fraction of the price of neighboring areas.
Navy Personnel Research, Studies, and Technology (NPRST), is an applied science and technology research organization, whose mission is to leverage emerging technologies that support the Navy's manpower, personnel and training mission. We unite civilian researchers with military experts, university researchers, and contractors to create a powerful, multi-disciplinary team that solves complex military human resources challenges through innovative science and technology. Future research will focus on advancing science and technology in human resource allocation, selection and classification training and testing, and the application of industrial/organizational psychology concepts to solve military personnel challenges.
This position is the leader for the Selection and Classification Institute of the Navy Personnel Research, Studies, and Technology Division (NPRST/BUPERS-1). The Selection and Classification Institute is responsible for developing and validating psychological assessments and procedures to facilitate and improve recruiting, selection, classification, and training for Navy and Marine Corps enlisted and officer personnel. The incumbent is responsible for developing and conducting a program to develop systems and procedures to solve manpower, personnel, training, and education (MPT&E) problems for the Navy and Marine Corps. This is accomplished by applying social, behavioral, managerial, statistical, mathematical, informational and computational sciences and technologies.