Experience your America by building a fulfilling career by joining the National Park Service. The National Park Service preserves unimpaired, the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.
Would you like to practice your public speaking skills? As a uniformed employee of the National Park Service, you deliver interpretive programs to educate visitors. You independently present a variety of talks and briefings and respond to visitor questions. Your presentations are generally short and concern park orientation and visitor safety. You explain the area's natural, cultural and/or historic resources, recreational opportunities, concession facilities and services, availability of campgrounds and hiking trails. You provide information on current park events, projects, and policies, as well as updates on issues affecting the natural, historical and/or cultural preservation of the area. Park guides work in or near the park visitor center or visitor contact station, and at auditoriums, campgrounds, trails, or in the field. Other duties may include visitor services such as fee collection, traffic control, back-country patrols, and administrative tasks.
The Seasonal Recruitment Operations Center is currently accepting applications to fill up to 1 temporary positions at Fairbanks AK Public Lands Information Center. Appointments made under this announcement are limited to 1039 hours (six months) in a service year. Appointments may be terminated at any time and can be extended if workload and funding allow. Anticipated Entry on Duty: 11/2012
Fairbanks is in Interior Alaska and reflects the best of Alaska! Fairbanks has a lot to offer no matter what your interests may be. The University of Alaska, Fairbanks provides Fairbanks with the cultural and educational opportunities that are depictive of a college community. Despite your interests there is something for everyone here! Fairbanks offers numerous activities including outdoor activities in summer and winter such as skiing, snow machining, hiking, canoeing, and backpacking (and Fairbanks is the central point for access throughout the state). Dog sledding competitions, the International Ice Carving Festival, and hockey along with concerts, art shows with our numerous local artists, and various activities (Quilt Guild, adult education courses, and health clubs, to name a few things) can keep you busy! The population of Fairbanks and the surrounding area is approximately 100,000 and all amenities of a small city are available including a hospital, university and schools, and international airport. Summers are fabulous and temperatures usually range from mid 70s to high 80s. Winters can be exhilarating with temperatures reaching below -40 degrees F. For Photos and more information check out the Alaska website at http://www.commerce.state.ak.us/dca/commdb/CF_COMDB.htm
This announcement is being advertised under delegated examining procedures and is open to all U.S. citizens.
This announcement may be used to fill additional positions if identical vacancies occur within 90 days of the issue date of the referral certificate.