If you are a status candidate, please apply under Announcement #OMB-14-16-CMJ-MP.
The Budget Review Division (BRD) analyzes trends in and the consequences of aggregate budget policy, provides strategic and technical support for budget decision-making and negotiations, and monitors congressional action on pending legislation, including score keeping under the Budget Enforcement Act. BRD coordinates: 1) the preparation of the annual Budget and supplemental estimates; 2) the OMB-wide review of program and financial plans; 3) the use of financial reports; and 4) the structure, classifications, and guidance for preparation of the Budget. BRD consists of two divisions, the Budget Analysis and Systems Division (BASD) and the Budget Review and Concepts Division (BRCD). Each division has two branches: Budget Analysis and Budget Systems; and Budget Review and Budget Concepts, respectively.
**This position may be filled at the GS-9, GS-11 or GS-12 grade level. Promotion to the next highest grade level is neither guaranteed nor implied.