The Bureau of Indian Education's mission is to provide quality education opportinities from early childhood through life in accordance with the tribes' needs for cultural and economic well-being and in keeping with the wide diversity of Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages as distinct cultural and governmental entities.
The mission of Haskell Indian Nations University, a land grant institution, is to serve members of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native nations as authorized by Congress and in partial fulfillment of treaty and trust obligations. With student learning as its focus, Haskell embraces the principles of sovereignty and self-determination through a culturally based holistic lifelong learning environment that promotes and upholds respect, rights, and responsibility.
The purpose of this position is to serve as the Administrative Support Assistant to the Vice President, Academics performing a variety of clerical, administrative and technical duties and responsibilities.
INDIAN PREFERENCE: Preference in filling vacancies is given to qualified Indian candidates in accordance with the Indian Preference Act of 1934 (Title 25, USC, Section 472). Verification Form BIA-4432 must be submitted with the application if claiming Indian Preference. Indian preference eligibles that are not currently employed in the Federal service will be appointed under the Excepted Service Appointment Authority Schedule A, 213.3112(A)(7).
STATUS CANDIDATES: Consideration will be given to Non-Indian applicants (Status or Reinstatement eligibles) in the absence of a qualified Indian Preference eligible. Applicants not entitled to Indian or Veterans Preference must be Federal civilian employees with competitive status or former Federal civilian employees with reinstatement eligibility and must submit latest Notification of Personnel Action, SF-50B, as proof.
VETERANS EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ACT (VEOA): Preference eligibles may apply for permanent positions (career or career-conditional appointments) under merit promotion procedures for VEOA appointments; however, veterans preference is not a factor in these appointments. To be eligible for a VEOA appointment, a veteran must be a preference eligible OR veteran separated after 3 or more years of continuous active service performed under honorable conditions. Applicants must submit a copy of their DD-214 for verification of eligibility. For more information about this program and to determine whether you are eligible, click here.