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This vacancy is also being announced concurrently with vacancy announcements HHS-IHS-DE-14-1022393 under Delegated Examining procedures and HHS-IHS-MP-14-1022211 under Merit Promotion procedures. Please review those announcements to see if you are eligible for consideration under Delegated Examining and/or Merit Promotion procedures. NOTE: Applicants must apply separately for each announcement in order to be considered.
Who may apply:
Excepted Service Examining Plan Candidates (ESEP) - Indian Preference
- See for more details
The Indian Health Service is required by law to give absolute preference to qualified Indian applicants and employees who are qualified and suitable for Federal employment. The Indian Health Service (IHS) by law is committed to affording employment preference to American Indian and Alaska Native candidates who meet the Secretary of the Interior's definition of Indian for appointment to vacancies within the IHS in accordance with established IHS policy as outlined in the Indian Health Manual Part 7, Chapter 3. In other than the above, the Indian Health Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Additional selections of candidates may be possible within 90 days from the date the certificate of eligibles was issued for this announcement, for filling additional or similar positions. However if there are no qualified Indian Preference candidates on the Certificate the vacancy must be re-announced.