Accounting Manager
Job Field: Office Jobs
Location: PORTLAND, WA
Salary: $-
Job Type: Part Time
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<td align="left"><font style="font-size: 100%;">Accounting Manager<BR><BR><BR>Not-for-Profit Healthcare provider seeks Corporate Accounting Manager. Position will manage the accounting/financial and regulatory reporting for multiple entities. Position will also manage a staff of up to 20. Excellent location, working environment and benefits. Please contact Sue Sumrell and email your resume directly to<BR><BR>Additional Information<BR><BR>Location: PORTLAND, OR<BR><BR><BR>Job ID: 03600-126528<BR><BR><BR>Experience: Requires a degree in accounting or finance and a CPA. Public accounting experience is also required. Healthcare experience a plus. Experience leading a staff also required. Please email your resume directly to<BR><BR><BR>Unit: Robert Half Finance & Accounting </font></td>
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