Mortgage Wholesale Loan Rep - Portland
Job Field: Government Jobs
Location: PORTLAND, WA
Salary: $-
Job Type: Part Time
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<td align="left"><font style="font-size: 100%;">Title: Mortgage Wholesale Loan Rep - Portland<BR>Location: Oregon-OR-Portland-OR-Portland-Broker-Portland<BR>Job Number:_232959<BR>Solicits relationships with mortgage brokers, mortgage bankers, and other financial institutions for the purpose of generating residential mortgage loans. Cultivates relationships to obtain a flow of wholesale origination applications and recommends products that would fit the brokers particular needs. Sells the advantages of the company. <BR><BR>Qualifications:<BR><BR>Basic Qualifications: <BR>* Single level position. <BR>* Minimum 3 years mortgage banking experience. <BR>* Requires thorough understanding of the loan origination process and excellent sales and communications skills.<BR><BR><BR>Job: Mortgage </font></td>
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