job announcement
Job Field: Government Jobs
Location: SPOKANE, WA
Salary: $-
Job Type: Part Time
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<td align="left"><font style="font-size: 100%;">job announcement <BR>Sunday, October 28th - 1:09 AM <BR>41°F<BR><BR><BR>* Back to Jobs <BR>Police Officer - Lateral Entry<BR>Open<BR>$49,088 annual salary, payable bi-weekly, to a maximum of $71,514<BR><BR>Opening Date: Monday, October 24, 2011<BR>Closing Date: Applications will be accepted until further notice.<BR>Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Monday through Friday, except holidays.<BR>DUTIES:<BR>Performs general duty police work in the enforcement of laws and ordinances. Exercises powers of arrest and control; defends self and others; uses force, including deadly force, in approved circumstances; enforces motor vehicle laws; operates vehicle under emergency conditions and provides emergency assistance; responds to crime scenes and performs criminal investigations; participates in special operations. Requires physical condition, agility, and coordination to allow performance of the essential tasks of a police officer as prescribed by the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission. Employee may be assigned to rotating shifts and may work other than a normal work week.<BR>OPEN REQUIREMENTS:(All requirements must be met at the time of application.)<BR>Applicants must possess a state issued Basic Law Enforcement certificate and have two years of sworn, non-military, patrol officer experience. Applicants must be currently employed as a Law Enforcement Officer, OR have been laid off or retired, in good standing, within the past 12 months. Applicants must have completed 45 quarter or 30 semester credit hours of course work from an accredited college or university with a minimum GPA of C or 2.0, which includes at least 5 quarter or 3 semester credit hours of college English. Applicants from states other than Washington must have the ability to obtain Basic or Equivalency Law Enforcement certification by the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission within the probationary period. Proof of a valid driver’s license must be submitted. Applicants must be certified by the Police Physician as physically fit to perform the prescribed duties. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens.<BR>NOTE: Before applying, please read the Spokane City Police Department’s Hiring Standards, found on the Spokane City Police Department’s jobs page at; click on the “hiring standards” link.<BR>EXAMINATION:<BR>The examination will consist of a Training and Experience Evaluation form. Weight is assigned as follows: Training and Experience Evaluation form 100%.<BR>Upon request, at time of application, the City will provide alternative accessible tests to individuals with disabilities that impair manual, sensory or speaking skills needed to take the test, unless the test is intended to measure those skills.<BR>NOTE: Under continuous testing policy, additional examinations may be scheduled with results merged into one eligibility list according to final ratings.<BR><BR>TO APPLY:<BR>To apply online or download and print an application, <BR>select a link belo </font></td>
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