Civilian employees serve a vital role in supporting the Army mission. They provide the skills that are not readily available in the military, but crucial to support military operations. The Army integrates the talents and skills of its military and civilian members to form a Total Army.
About the Position:
Ice Harbor Project is a multi-purpose hydropower project, with missions that include operation and maintenance of the facility for flood control, hydroelectric power generation with six main generating units, navigation locks, fish facility with two fish ladders, recreation and natural resources management. Ice Harbor Dam is a hydropower generating facility, generating power for the Bonneville Power Administration for distribution throughout the western states. Ice Harbor Project has approximately 80 employees. Ice Harbor Lock & Dam is located on the Snake River in South Eastern Washington State. It is about 15 minutes east of Tri-Cities (Pasco, Kennewick and Richland), Washington. The area is desert with irrigated agriculture crops along with related businesses. The outer area is mostly farming area producing wheat, corn, grapes, apples and other crops. There are many wineries in the area. The population of the metropolitan Tri Cities area was 253,340 in 2010 recently rated the fastest growing city in the nation. The Tri-Cities receives an average of 7 to 8 inches of precipitation every year. Winds periodically exceed 30 mph when Chinook Wind conditions exist. While there are an average 225 clear days every year, these are mainly between April 1 and November 1. Temperatures range from as low as -25 °F in the winter to as high as 110 °F in the summer.
Who May Apply:
· Army employee serving on career or career conditional appointments or equivalent
· Department of Defense employees serving on a Career or Career Conditional appointment
· Non-Department of Defense employees serving on a Career or Career Conditional appointment
· Veterans eligible under Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998 (VEOA)
· Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP) eligibles.